This proven barrel mare consistently passes on her speed and talent to her foals. They excel in multiple parts of the performance horse world.
This proven barrel mare consistently passes on her speed and talent to her foals. They excel in multiple parts of the performance horse world.
PC Redwood Ike
Lone Drifter
Miss Sun Sox
Driftwood Ike
Moore Yen
Sun Frost
Miss John 3
Moore Yen
Miss John 3
Driftwood Ike
Sun Frost
Lone Drifter
Miss Sun Sox
PC Redwood Ike
PC Laughin Redwood
PC Laughin Cajun
PC Dox Cajun
PC Miss Sun Bars
Boon Dox John
Sun Frost
PC Cajun Lady
Miss Girl Bars
PC Laughin Redwood
PC Laughin Cajun
PC Dox Cajun
PC Miss Sun Bars
Boon Dox John
PC Cajun Lady
Sun Frost
Miss Girl Bars
Bryce can take horses from start to finish as well as tune up and further higher level training with rope horse prospects. His specialty is in training and competing on Team Roping horses and has trained many horses currently competing and winning in the PRCA arenas, as well as The American. From all types of roping, to barrels, and mounted shooting, Bryce knows how to quickly determine the specialty best suited for the individual horse.
As a WPRA, multi year, Futurity, and Derby world champion rider and trainer, Hilary specializes in training and competing on Futurity and Derby colts to maximize their resumes and earnings (LTE). College competitors and barrel racing professionals alike, know and trust what training by Van Gerpen Performance Horses is worth.
Specializing in AQHA Team Roping horses, Clay Logan is our go to trainer to build an AQHA resume. Clay’s accomplishments include over 10 AQHA World and Reserve Championships, over 16 World and Reserve APHA Championships, and is a trainer of several NFR Team Roping Horses. The value of a Clay Logan trained rope horse is undisputed.
Gary specializes in training and showing AQHA calf horses and has multiple AQHA World Calf Roping titles. He can take a calf horse from start to finish or help tune up and further training on a started rope horse.
Choice barrel bloodline prospects are placed with the Mannings, often as 2 year olds. The Mannings are excellent at creating a foundation and determining aptitude of these young colts. Horses leave the Mannings ready to further their barrel horse training with a buyer or to stay with us and find success in the futurity arena.